Can I Do My Own SEO?

The question that comes up again and again - Can't I just do it myself? Here we honestly and truthfully share our view on it.

The answer is yes, but should you?

The word backlinks on a type writer

Everything You Need For SEO Is Out There

The resources are all online. If you want to learn how to do Search Engine Optimisation, you can. There are thousands upon thousands of websites with a wealth of knowledge. Just to name a few...

Even with just the resources above, you can spend hours, weeks, months and years becoming an SEO pro.

And that there lies one problem. The time investment. Can you and do you have that much time to use on learning the tricks of the trade? If you are a business owner, can we safely presume that you are busy with more pressing matters - operations, finance, making sales. Will investing time on doing it yourself have the best return? If you do, then the ROI will be there waiting for you.

Time and Price

Once you have a few bit of SEO knowledge and strategies up your sleeve, you will need to start doing keyword research, competitor analysis, site audits and the list goes one. This research part of SEO will take more time off your hands.

You can speed things up by paying for SEO software link:

  • SEMrush
  • MOZ
  • Majestic

With these tools you can up the pace of your research. But once again, there is a literal price to pay.

Some of these solutions can set you back $199 USD (over $260 Aussie)! There are cheaper solutions or plans, but usually the good tools are behind a pay wall.

There are free tools too - though the usefulness goes down.

Again Time, Now With Effort

After research, you implement. This involves:

  • Site Optimisation
  • Content creating
  • Backlinking

These 3 things above are the core of every SEO strategy. You can read more about it here.

Changing and updating your website code and the way it works. Creating relevant and interesting content and articles. Reaching out to other website owners and asking them add a hyperlink from there website to your website.

This is not a one time event either, for SEO to be effective you will need to raise and repeat this regularly. Constantly tweeking your website code. Creating weekly articles and posting them. Not giving up on reaching out to building backlinks.

Thats Where We Come In

As you can see - to do SEO effectively, two major components required are time and effort. Things that you may not want to invest in. That is where the professionals come in - Like us Drive SEO.

An analogy please. It is like getting an electrician to install a new power point in your property - It makes sense.

You could do it yourself:

  • Take time out of your day
  • Learn how to do it - perhaps YouTube
  • Check the mains and cabling
  • Crawl in the ceiling maybe
  • Cut the hole through the wall
  • Wire it up, install it
  • Hope you did it correctly and without injury

Once again time and effort, but now a risk of doing it wrong. Electricity is dangerous. Bad SEO might not be life-threatening, but will have a big impact on your traffic, leads and sale.

Hope a fair picture has been painted for you.

If you are interested in implementing SEO for your business, please reach out to us and save time, effort and get more traffic, leads to your website.

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